
As if you were behind the customer at the time he does his purchase on your site
  • Languages:
  • Version updated on 05/12/2024
  • Compatibility: all PrestaShop versions above 1.3.0 (compatible PS8)

Price : 125,00 € tax excl.


Allows you to monitor movements and clicks of the mouse of your visitors and customers to improve your site, your SEO and understand buying attitudes

  • See the course and mouse clicks of a specific customer to understand what could convert him
  • Improve the SEO of the site. Important results (see the explanation)!
  • Watch the most viewed areas (eg on product page or home page)
  • Find areas that are hardly read, that make "cuts" in reading and push the visitor to leave the page
  • Understand what elements discourage the visitor (eg the visitor leaves the page after seeing the photo)
  • Understand what factors encourage the visitor (eg the visitor clicks on Add to Cart after reading the product was guaranteed 3 years)
  • View the browsing history of visitors
  • Measure the time taken for each action
  • Measure the effectiveness of the suggestion of products and their share in the purchase of products
  • See clicks on elements of interactivity (panel displaying a Javascript, Ajax loading, dynamic adding in cart, play a video, etc.)
  • Visibility of bugs and problems with the process of the site (multiple clicks and visitors insistence)

What interest for SEO?

Since the Google Panda update, things have drastically in SEO ( Today it is the content that is the main parameter and to judge that, Google primarily analyzes the behavior of visitors. To do this, Google can for example observe the bounce rate of a site (the user remains a short time on the site and then returns immediately on Google), or if a visitor continues his search after going on your site.
This parameter of the user experience became the main constituent of the new Google algorithm. MouseTracker allows you to observe visitor behavior, to infer the causes of lack of interest and correct problems. For example, if many users leave the page just after seeing the photo, you can infer that it does not highlight the product and needs to be redone it. Similarly, if you see information in the product often overflown, move up it to make it more visible. Another example, if in the payment stage, you find that the user is hesitant but those who hover your address in France or your guarantees have been reassured and have made ​​the payment, then you've got to remember this information when payment by showing an text inset. In this way, you have converted the visitor and stop his research on Google.
If you surf on your site using regularly the MouseTraker panel to optimize your texts and reorganize your site, you gradually earn places on Google. With this approach, you can immediately see where problems of quality content before Google will reassess.


With MouseTracker it is as if you were behind the customer when he makes his purchase on your site.

This module saves clicks and mouse movements of your visitors. This technology close to the eye-tracking is more profitable. It is based on reading attitudes ; the mouse is often close to the area of reading (cursor reading), moreover visitors sometimes click and select texts that interest them the most. These results are presented graphically so you can see the most attractive areas for visitors and attitudes of your customers.

The module has two modes:

1) Hot and Cold Zones
Can superimpose on pages of the site a "heat map" showing the areas where the mouse is more or less present or where there has clicks. These areas are displayed as gradient (from red to blue). This mode allows you to see in a look areas which attract the attention of the visitor.

2) Individual mouse following
Will display exactly the course of the mouse of your visitors. You can view the course of several visitors simultaneously. When using this mode, a timer appears and while time passes the mouse positions and clicks are displayed. You have the ability to accelerate time or to pause.

This last mode is useful for exploring the path through which passed your best customers and discover the elements which were encourage or discourage him. More, MouseTracker makes the overlap between the visitor ID and customer ID. In other words, if the client with the ID 15 is identified and you filter on the client #15, MouseTracker will also tell you the recordings of his mouse before when he was identified.
In both modes you can filter data to display only records of some visitors or customers or to use a certain time interval.


  • Hot and cold areas of the site
    • Possibility to place movements and clicks of the mouse on your page or to present one or the other
    • Scale the gradient and correspondence with the number of visitors
    • Strengthening of the hot spots for better viewing
  •  Individual mouse following
    • Speed ​​up, slow down, reset and pause the animation of the mouse
    • View multiple clicks on the same place
  • Features in common with both modes
    • View the browsing history of visitors
    • Adjust the opacity of the Heat Map or of mouse cursors that are superimposed on the website
    • Filter results displayed on:
      • The ID of one or more customers
      • The ID of one or more visitors
      • A number of random visitors
      • A date range
    • Take only clicks or movements
    • Show/hide information to navigate normally on the site and display it in one click when you need
    • Reduce the MouseTracker panel
  • Script for mouse recording
    • Setting the precision of the mouse (avoids record two positions while the mouse has moved very slightly)
    • Ability to specify the DOM element in the page to be monitored
    • Setting the time interval between two recordings of mouse movement