intelligent importerCatalog Importer, Scraper & Crawler (Magento + Prestashop)

Allows you to import external catalogs interpreting web pages of sites and automate your shop
  • Languages:
  • Version updated on 05/09/2024 - Version number : 5.1.4
  • We recommend using this crawler : Grimport Crawler. Prototype version of the crawler : 1.2.8-alpha.
  • Compatibility: all PrestaShop versions above 1.4.0 (compatible PS8)
  • 12 reviews

Price : 145,00 € tax excl.

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Allows you to import external catalogs interpreting web pages of sites. Also allows update and interaction of the shop according to external websites (modification of stock from supplier catalog, deferral of providers' promotions on your siteselected_language...).

If you want to understand how this module works in detail, contact us directly or watch the video below.
No action is requiered for the external websites (supplier, competitor, etc)

Intelligent Catalog Importer & Manager is a technical but very powerful addon. You can find him many uses but most commonly it is used for importing supplier catalogs on Prestashop and the advanced migration of shop. The module runs over all pages of a website, extract information of products interpreting the source code of the page and injects the information in the store in accordance with the standard methods defined by PrestaShop. The results are clean, free of errors and allow a great time-saver when you start your shop . Import concerns all product characteristics (reference, HTML description , images automatically downloaded, associations with combinations, etc. ). Import is possible from any site (not just with Prestashop).

More generally, Intelligent Catalog Importer allows automatic interaction of your store with the rest of the web. Creating a link between data of third party sites and your shop can find many applications. Here are a few:

- Import supplier catalogs when they do not give integrated import solution or they are partial (without images, without combinations, etc.)
- Update the available quantities from stocks displayes on the websites of suppliers
- Make your customers enjoy supplier promotions as they arrive
- Update products information
- Translate product pages with the integrated Bing translator or from a site which has translatations of these produts
- React or be alerted when a competitor is doing a promotion or add a new product
- Adapt your price based on competition and on opportunities offered by suppliers
- Look for information to develop the database of the potential buyers of the newletter
- Monitor forums looking for discussions on your site
- Look for opportunities, similar products in the databases of suppliers or competitors

Finally, the module allows you to use an artificial intelligence algorithm of very good reputation for the more subjective aspects. For example, when importing a catalog, the brand is "Adidas Rekin" on the provider catalog and you have as a supplier "Adidas". Or the category in the supplier catalog is Clothing > Men > T-shirt > colorful T-shirt and yours is Shirts an Tee-shirts > Tee-shirts. The AI algorithm can find the nearest correpondance in a really relevant way. On large volumes errors to correct may exist but the bulk of the work will be done by the algorithm.


FAQ of the module

On the technical side, this is how the module works

1) Choose which site to interact with and what you want to do. Eg import a product catalog.
2) Go to "Manage external catalogs" and enter the website address.
3) Then, you must write the script to extract information from the website and send them to the shop for insertion. You can contact our company to write your scripts or ask a developer. The programming language is very intuitive .
4) Go to the "Analysis" and click on "Start Scan". A Java applet starts (this is a program that runs on your PC without installation and can communicate with your store). It will scan the entire website and launch the script for each page.

If you want a quote with the script writing before purchasing the module, please contact us.

Note: For applications exclusively dedicated to the price watching and competitive intelligence, the PricesTracker module is more focused than this module.