topfinderTopFinder - Products inspired by history

Offers to your visitors suggested products based on their behavior on the site (last purchases, visited products, etc.) and improves the search engine (spelling correction...) Inspired by Amazon functions.
  • Languages:
  • Version updated on 03/09/2024 - Version number : 1.2.4-alpha
  • Compatibility: all PrestaShop versions above 1.6.0

Price : 110,00 € tax excl.


TopFinder is a tool packed with artificial intelligence. It allows to display on the pages of your choice a panel suggesting products to your visitors, according to their behavior. Several factors are analyzed: current product, best-selling products, already bought products, already seen products, products in the cart, etc. The module will learn and adapt to the needs of the user.

You will increase with this tool your average cart and your conversion rate. These functions are inspired by the strategies of Amazon and other big marketplaces. They have shown their effectiveness in the world of e-commerce. Note the server load is very light thanks to our caches.

The module also improves the search engine. No more typos, the correction is automatic and transparent.

Our company has already developed PricesTracker and Intelligent Catalog Importer & Manager. Our AI algorithms are renowned and reliable. We do not subscribe, you will have the technology for life.


  • Widget for setting up products inspired by your history on all pages
  • Caching AI data for better performance
  • Forgetfulness factor for already visited products
  • Improved search engine, very efficient typo correction
  • Help with placing the widget on the site (hook management)
  • CRON for indexing new products